Declaring, Choosing, Asking...
You build your world with these 3 Powers,
either Consciously or Unconsciously.
What are you creating with them?
Responsibility is applied consciousness.
Irresponsibility is applied unconsciousness.
Power is the ability to make things happen.
Power can be applied responsibly or irresponsibly.
Irresponsibly applied power cannot be conscious because the consciousness of irresponsibly applied power would be too painful to endure. This is a self-correcting system. If power is applied unconsciously it serves Shadow Purposes. If power is applied consciously it serves Bright Principles.
There are indeed many kinds of power, such as wind power, gravitational power, solar power, the power of your feelings and emotions, the power of evolution, the power of money, the power of Gaia, the power of nonviolent noncompliance, the power of navigating space, the power of going nonlinear, the power of your Box and Gremlin to defend your status quo and keep things the same, the power of your Being to evolve, and the power of your life energy feeds whatever voice, demon, commitment, or purpose you give your attention to, the power of Bright Principles, the power of the Earth Coincidence Control Office (E.C.C.O.), the power of your Archetypal Lineage, the power of your Pearl, the power of Commitment, the power of Conscious Will, the power of your Point Of Origin, and so on.
In this website, we are investigating 3 specific energetic creation powers: Consciously Declaring, Consciously Choosing, and Consciously Asking, and their uses by a Possibilitator to Cavitate Space, Hold Space, and Navigate Space.
You already use these 3 energetic creation powers, although we suggest that you probably apply these 3 powers unconsciously, implying that you use these 3 powers to serve Shadow Principles.
Your exploration and experimenting will Build Matrix in you to apply these 3 energetic creation powers to serve your Bright Principles.
Who Has The Power
If you make a choice for a reason, then who has the responsibility for your choice? Who has the power? You? Or your reason?
The reason has the power.
How can you make a choice so that you have the responsibility and the power?
You can reclaim the power in your choosing when you disconnect your choices from reasons.
By observing the choice-making process in your 5 Bodies you will probably see after a while that your choices come first, and then you apply a reason to prepare yourself in case some external authority person asks you to explain why you did that.
If this happens, you will also notice that you create or customize each reason you give to fit the mental and emotional requirements of the person who is asking you to justify yourself.
But then you are using reasons as a shield so that if your decision is questioned, it is your reason that is to blame, not you. Your reason then is responsible for your choice. Your reason has the power, not you.
When choosing, there can be a strong tendency to use linear thinking and to conclude that the first 2 possibilities you find are the two options you have to choose from. Then you end up thinking, "I can either choose this, or that." For example, "I can either have a work life or a home life." "I can either be strong or compassionate." "I can either be rich or have fun." "I can either be myself or be in relationship."
Who Has The Power
Matrix Code 3POWERSx.01
On an ordinary day, ordinary things happen.
You do what you usually do, do the usual tasks, talk to familiar people you meet in familiar places, eat what you think is appropriate, and assume that the sun will set in the evening. And it does. In the evening, as usual, the sun sets.
After such an ordinary day, sit down and write down all the ordinary things you did, said or thought today. It will be a boring story, you think?
The experiment is about trudging into the great forest of ordinariness to see if there aren't some colorful, blooming flowers in it.But how will you discover them if you don't go inside? So walk through the forest once and note: tree - tree - tree - NO tree!!!
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code 3POWERSx.01 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code 3POWERSx.02
For a whole day, take every possibility to declare. You will find that the day is full of opportunities. This day is like a lottery pot full of tickets and each one says: You win!
Even in the morning, when you open your eyes, declare to your partner, your cat, or the cactus why you are going to get up now. "I'm getting up now because I'm an early riser!"
You'll need an extra-large tube of Is-Glue that day to glue such declarations together. The Is-Glue glues the word "I" to the word "early riser."
The fascinating thing about the Is-Glue is that it can glue two things together that actually have nothing to do with each other.
- Animals can't talk.
- I'm always way too friendly, I should really go for it.
- I can't be close to men because my heart has been broken.
- Tomatoes are healthy.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code 3POWERSx.02 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code 3POWERSx.03
On an ordinary day, ordinary things happen. Yes, that's right. However, on an ordinary day, a lot of things happen that you can't explain. Simple example: The sun sets in the evening. If you are 50 years old, you have experienced this 18,250 times. No matter if you were in love, sick, drunk or in deep sleep: on the evening of each of these 18,250 days the sun has set.
What do you have to say about that?
Can you explain? "Yeah, it's kind of because of the Earth's rotation, I think. Somehow the earth rotates around itself once a day and around the sun or something...I don't know."
The experiment consists of you writing down 50 things that you can't explain.You start with "I don't know..."
- I don't know why the glass fell to the floor and not the ceiling.
- I don't know who knitted the sweater I'm wearing.
- I don't know why I'm still doing this job.
What do you feel in light of the fact that your day is full of things you can't explain?After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code 3POWERSx.03 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code 3POWERSx.04
Take your BEEP! Book to a place where you can sit for a while and listen to other people talk. I'm thinking of something like a crowded train station concourse, a coffee shop, or a call center. (If you are thinking that you can't go to a call center, write the sentence "I don't know how to get to a call center." to your list of experiment 3. And what do you feel now?)
For one hour, write down all the declarations you hear. People explain all the time why something is or isn't, why something goes or doesn't go, or why just something is.
Write down what you can catch, the air is full of it and it is teeming with declarations.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code 3POWERSx.04 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code 3POWERSx.05
To stop declaring, you must first have awareness that you are declaring. I therefore recommend doing experiments 1 - 4 first.
Then spend a whole day consciously not declaring. This is not about saying you don't know.
Again, this can be a declaration with a specific purpose. (For example, passing the buck to a reason you don't know).
Instead, use the words, "I do it for no reason," when someone asks you about your motives for doing something. By using this sentence, you come into a state where the responsibility and conciousness are fully yours.
I have had the experience that my Gremlin Anton can find a lining here: The moment I say I'm doing it for no reason, I feel very special and pretty cool. The distance to the person who asked me about my motives becomes bigger.Observe if your Gremlin is hungry like that too. Should it be so, here you have the opportunity to serve your shadow. You choose.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code 3POWERSx.05 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code 3POWERSx.06
What I wrote about Gremlin in experiment 5 also applies to this experiment number 6. (Maybe it applies to a whole lot of all experiments in this world. F*ck.)
Spend a whole day responding non-linearly and unexpectedly. Non-linear might mean, for example, an explanation that at first glance doesn't explain what should be explained.
Non-linear also means responding too late or too early. There is a reasonable time within which a response should be made. Reasonable = linear.
Try the following: Your neighbor meets you in the hallway and says (as she does every morning): "Good morning." Don't answer now, but ring her front doorbell an hour later and say, "Every day you have a good wish for me. I thank you very much for it."Press a bouquet of meadow flowers into her hand and wish her a good morning. Your neighbor will not meet you the same way again.
Notice during the experiment what you feel. I myself feel great emotional fear when I do not return a greeting. What do you feel?After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code 3POWERSx.06 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code 3POWERSx.07
I recommend doing the following experiment with a spaceholder.
Take your BEEP! Book and your list of declarations from Experiment 2.
Read aloud the first declaration you wrote down that day.
"I am an early riser."
The spaceholder's job is to keep asking what the purpose of this declaration is. Every declaration you give, the spaceholder can question again, and so go with you through all the reasons further and further down: to the source, to the root cause.
Go through some of your declarations together like this. You may end up holding a whole bunch of golden keys for healing processes. Write them down in your BEEP! book.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code 3POWERSx.07 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code 3POWERSx.08
Instead of answering your mother's linear question about why you're not eating cake today with a linear declaration like, "I've gained 10 kg and I really need to lose weight," you could answer another, unspoken question from your mother (because it's not about cake anyway): "I love you and you can't buy that love with your cake." That's complex and dangerous, and you can get into hot water.
And the point of the experiment is to notice what the real purpose is.In this example, it could be that your mother is inviting you to a victim space where you can take another opportunity to save her.
Or maybe she just wants you to eat the cake and finally leave because her lover is in the closet. I don't know your mother. You do know your mother, and you can use your Purpose Sniffer to discern the purpose of her words.
Slowed down considerably, the experiment works like this:
- Listen to the statement/declaration/question/offer of the other person.
- Register the actual, underlying purpose with the Purpose Sniffer
- Jump to this actual underlying purpose like jumping from one galloping horse to the other galloping horse.
- Continue to be with the person in this new space you have declared.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code 3POWERSx.08 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code 3POWERSx.09
Experiment for a whole week with asking yourself where in the space you want to navigate.
If you are about to enter a room that already has people in it, you can ask yourself:
- Do I really want to enter the room?
- Which people would I like to sit next to?
- Which is the right chair for me now?
- Do I want to greet this person?
- How do I want to greet him/her?
- How would I like to sit in the chair?
- How long would I like to stay there?
You need greater slowness than usual for this experiment, in addition to mindfulness and awareness. The habit is fast. Walking into a room and sitting in the same chair you always sit in doesn't require mindfulness, awareness, or slowness. But when you start asking yourself questions, you need time. The answer may not come immediately.What do you feel?
Write the results in your BEEP!Book.
Also note what you experienced when you left old habits like wide highways and took off into the jungle.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code 3POWERSx.09 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code 3POWERSx.10
"You can't have everything," my mother used to say. Yes, and in some cases you can enter into a negotiation about the matter. Asking for something is dangerous. Maybe the other person says no, maybe I make a fool of myself. Maybe the other person says yes, oh my God, and then??
Use the coming week to ask for what you want and negotiate it.
Let's say you walk into a room and someone sits in the chair you'd like to sit in (you know this because you've done the 'Navigating the Room by Asking' experiment).
Instead of sitting on another chair, go to the person sitting on your favorite chair and say to them, "Hello Günther. I'd like to sit in the chair you're sitting in right now. May I sit here now?" When doing this, be clear and simple and have no expectations about whether you will get what you want.
Günther has many ways to answer. Your question can be a door to negotiate with Günther so that you both get what you want. Negotiation can be a door to intimacy and highlevelfun.
For one week, negotiate at every opportunity, even with people you don't know, for things that are important to you.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code 3POWERSx.10 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code 3POWERSx.11
A magician has the ability to recognize what question a person is carrying around in the being.
Let's explore whether this statement is true. You can practice your skills as a magician with the following experiment.
Go to a busy place where there are other people. This can be a café or an outdoor swimming pool, for example. A crowded train compartment is also excellent.
Scan a person. I recommend doing this with all 5 bodies. For example, like this:
- With the organs of my physical body (like eyes, nose, ears) I gather information.
- With my emotional body I notice emotions and feelings of this person. For me, this works well when I am in touch with my sadness.
- My energetic body gathers information about how this person's energetic body moves, spreads, and how it shows.
- My intellectual body works in grids and tables and gathers information about the person.
- My archetypal body...hmm...that is the hardest for me to describe. But I know that my archetypal body can recognize its kind. By that I mean that as an earth guardian I recognize other earth guardians.
Make notes about this person in your BEEP! book. If you do this, the question of this person's essence may fall into your hand like a ripe blackberry.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code 3POWERSx.11 in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code 3POWERSx.12
This experiment is about getting more clarity about the sequence:
- You make a decision or choice.
- You think of reasons for your choice.
- You find variations of reasons for different people.
You choose throughout the day. What you wear, what foods you eat, who you spend time with, what radio station you listen to, whether you stay or go. Your day is full of big and small decisions.
Every night for a whole week, write down 10 of the choices you made that day in your BEEP! Book. Take a closer look at each choice you made:
- What other people does that choice have to do with, in other words, who are the people to whom you would have to justify or defend or explain your choice. In the case of the clothing choice, for example, it could be your partner, your boss, or the guy from the weather forecast on the radio.
- Explain to each person in writing in your BEEP! Book why you made the choice you did. For example, "I chose this dress because the employment contract says that women must wear dresses."After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code 3POWERSx.12 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code 3POWERSx.13
Now it would be easy to say that if someone asks you why you made that choice, say that you did it for no reason. I've found that when this happens, like a cloud of fog, the phrase hangs in the room, "I'm a cool guy and I'm doing cool experiments that you'll never understand and I give you this super cool answer and I almost burst with arrogance."
So my suggestion is this:
- For now, when someone asks you your reasons for choosing, answer as you normally would.
- NEW: Now create a gap of about 3 minutes, i.e., pull back for a moment and do this little energetic process: put your decision on the left side of the tabletop / put the reasons on the right side of the tabletop / get the Is-glue dissolver from your bag of things on your belt and spray the place where the decision and the reasons are connected. Then take the parts apart.
- Take the left part in your hand (the choice or decision).
- Go back to the person you just talked to and explain that you changed your mind. For example, you might say, "I told you that the reason for my decision was this and that. I have made the decision to no longer give the responsibility for my decisions to reasons. My new answer is, I made this choice before I had the reasons."After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code 3POWERSx.13 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code 3POWERSx.14
I feel fear when I make requests that are not offered. Do you too? Then this experiment is something for me and you.
Opportunities to choose something from an offer are there every day:
- In the restaurant
- In the supermarket and in every other store
- At the hairdresser
- At your workplace
- In your partnership
My friend Gabriel went to the pharmacy and asked, "Do you have liverwurst dumplings?" The pharmacist answered no.
The exciting thing about this experiment is that anything can happen. Well, I mean really anything. The cook of the restaurant could suddenly come out of his galley and want to talk to you. The supermarket manager could adjust his assortment, you could have deep conversations with complete strangers, all 4 feelings and all 4 emotions can arise.
Choosing what's not on the menu is adventurous and dangerous. Throw yourself into it.After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code 3POWERSx.14 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code 3POWERSx.14
Adopt the new behavior of continuing to create possibilities to choose from even after you have found two reasonable options to choose from. Do not stop creating options. This would be like concluding that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line! This ignores all the nonlinear options that are shorter, faster, more efficient and more effective than the one 'right' answer you were taught in school. Starting now make it a habit to create 9 options to choose from. Especially when other people are involved, you have group intelligence to liberate and focus on the challenge of creating 9 options rather than stopping after having the usual 2 options. Two options is being stingy and staying in scarcity. Instead be generous with at least once per day giving yourself 9 options to choose from.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code 3POWERSx.14 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code 3POWERSx.14
Each time you find yourself crammed into the dichotomy or polarity of perceptions and are about to conclude that you must choose from among two bad choices, tell people you are doing 'This Or That Thinking'. By giving your situation a name you create a branch point that can go off in a diagonal direction from your current path and create a new future for yourself. The branch is created by adamantly asking yourself the following question: "Who would I have to be to have this AND that?" The answers to this question paint out a new state of Being by giving the steps needed to get from the way you are now to a new way of being that includes seemingly contradictory circumstances but which in reality do not. The reality in which the qualities are not contradictory become visible from a new perspective, taking a look from a distance, for example, or finding a place in nature where both qualities meet and noticing how it is to be there. Then practice the new qualities.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code 3POWERSx.14 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code 3POWERSx.14
Catch yourself when you are limiting your options through compromises. A compromise is when one person agrees to give up certain of their wishes IF the other person agrees to give up certain of their wishes. Compromise can change the game from 'I win-you win', to 'I lose-you lose'. Why do that? Why compromise? Compromising is assuming that you have surveyed all the possible options and found yourselves lacking in an option that allows for everyone to get what they want.
After completing this experiment, please register Matrix Code 3POWERSx.14 in your free account at StartOver.xyz. This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code 3POWERSx.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!